Can having dental implants cause headaches?

Key takeaways

  • Dental implants have a high success rate, but headaches can be a side effect of the procedure.
  • The causes of headaches after dental implant surgery can be diverse, including implant pressure on surrounding nerves, bone grafts, and sinus lifts.
  • The symptoms of headaches after dental implant surgery can include head pressure, pain, and discomfort.
  • Dental bone grafts can also cause headaches, potential side effects include implantation headaches and implantation migraines.
  • Treatment for headaches after dental implant surgery will depend on the cause of the headache, and it\’s important to work with a qualified dental surgeon to ensure proper implant placement and minimize the risk of headaches.
  • Other dental procedures like tooth extraction, teeth whitening and wisdom teeth removal can also cause headaches.
  • Dental implants are generally safe, but in rare cases, they may cause neurological problems like headaches, nerve damage and other issues.
  • It\’s important to work with a qualified dental surgeon and following post-surgery instructions can help minimize the risk of complications.
Dental Implants

Many patients are concerned that their dental implants may be causing headaches. Headaches are often related to dental issues, so it is natural to be concerned about the possibility.

Dental implants are one of the best ways of replacing teeth. They are not only secure, but they also provide a beautiful smile. However, some people who have dental implants have reported experiencing severe headaches. Can having dental implants cause mild headaches? That is the question this blog will look at.

Why is it that people who get dental implants get headaches?

It is a misconception that getting dental implants caused headaches in the days to follow. 

While it\’s possible that you may experience some discomfort as your new tooth roots grow over time, there is no reason for one to experience headaches specific from the dental implant process itself. If you have been subject to headaches after your dental implant procedure, it may be due to other factors such as:

  • A tooth infection can lead to headaches, fevers, profuse bleeding and pain, or other unusual symptoms. Contact your dentist immediately if you have any of these symptoms within a week of a dental procedure.
  • While rare, it is possible for surgical complications to occur during dental implant procedures. It is important to always consider the risk associated with any kind of surgery. 
  • If you experience pain in the neck after dental implant surgery, please contact us immediately.

Common Symptoms of Headaches After Dental Implants

Headaches after dental implant surgery can present in various ways. Common symptoms include head pressure, pain, and discomfort. These symptoms may be felt around the implant site or in other parts of the head or face, depending on the cause of the headache. In some cases, symptoms may be severe and last for days or even weeks. In other cases, symptoms may be mild and resolve on their own within a few days. If symptoms are severe or last for an extended period, it\’s important to seek medical attention.

Can Dental Bone Grafts Cause Headaches?

Dental bone grafts are often necessary to prepare the jawbone for implant placement. The bone graft procedure involves taking bone from another part of the body or using synthetic bone to build up the jawbone. While bone grafts can increase the success rate of dental implants, they can also cause headaches. The implantation process can impact the surrounding nerves and bones, leading to headaches. The potential side effects of bone grafts include implantation headaches and implantation migraines.

How to Treat Headaches After Dental Implants

Treatment for headaches after dental implant surgery will depend on the cause of the headache. In some cases, pain medication may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms. In other cases, nerve blocks or physical therapy may be recommended. It\’s important to work with a qualified dental surgeon to ensure proper implant placement and minimize the risk of headaches. A qualified surgeon will also be able to provide the best advice and treatment options for the patient\’s individual case.

Can the Titanium Post from Implants cause Headaches?

Now, when it comes to headaches, your metal dental implant should not be causing them. This is because titanium is biocompatible; it’s the go-to material used for several surgical implant procedures such as joint implants. For an effective dental implant to work, the titanium must integrate with the jawbone. 

As the bone heals and fuses with the metal in your mouth over time, however, headaches may occur due to neurological problems or even simple muscle strain (as from chewing) that can arise from having a foreign object in your body.

These issues can often be solved by adjusting any misalignment or nerve irritations through pressure therapy, physical exercise programs (such as massaging or light stretching), and changing eating habits, which help reduce strain on muscles attached to your jawline.

Are Dental Implants Supposed to Cause Headaches?

It’s a widespread misunderstanding that dental implants are associated with headaches. Even though the operation will take some time to recover, headaches are not a common side effect of the dental implant procedure. If you get headaches after your dental implant treatment, it might be due to one of the following:

  1. Headaches are one of the signs of an illness. Notify our office if you get a headache, fever, excessive bleeding and discomfort, or other odd symptoms!
  2. A surgical complication, albeit exceedingly rare, might result in nerve injury. Although we are highly experienced at conducting this operation, any surgery has some risk of complications. If you have persistent neck or head pain, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.
  3. Neck discomfort and headaches might be caused by dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in your jaw, which is unrelated to dental implant surgery. If you believe you have a jaw misalignment or tightness, please let us know to assist you.

What might be causing your headaches?

Many patients often visit the doctor complaining of headaches, and while there are many different reasons for bad headaches, one of the reasons is dental implants. Dental implants are a great solution for replacing missing teeth, but they can cause headaches too. This is because they are placed into the jawbone and the surrounding nerves. Dental implant surgeries are a great solution for replacing missing teeth, but they can cause frequent headaches too. This is because they are placed into the jawbone and the surrounding nerves. Insertion of dental implants can sometimes cause migraine headaches. In addition to dental implants, other causes of headaches can include:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Drinking too much alcohol
  • Strange odours
  • Poor posture
  • Allergies
  • Weather changes
  • Lack of vitamins

If you experience tension headaches that are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, then you may be suffering from a more serious medical condition.

When you are thinking about getting dental implants, you want to be in the best health possible.

What does that mean? It means that you should be in the best physical condition that you can be. You shouldn\’t be suffering from any kind of ill health or head pain. You should be exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet. But what about dental implants? Do they cause tension headaches? The simple answer is: \”Not if they are done properly.\” If you have dental implants, you are in for a lifetime of comfort and confidence. Your dentist will tell you that the best way to take care of your implants is to watch your oral hygiene. You should brush and floss after every meal. Also, you should replace your toothbrush every three months. This way, you can avoid any kind of infection and can maintain your perfect smile for years to come.

Find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants.

The best candidates are those who have lost one or more teeth and are left with an empty space. The jawbone has already shrunk over the years because the natural tooth have been extracted. If you had dental implants placed, your jawbone would still be able to maintain its size over time. It is also important for the jawbone to be in good shape. If it is not, the bone could shrink even more over time, making it impossible for you to get dental implants. The dental implant process can also be placed in areas where there is still enough bone mass.

To find out if you are a good candidate for dental implants, see your dentist, and they will help you decide.

Now that you know what dental implants are, you can begin to think about if they are right for you. If you have any further questions about dental implants or would like to schedule an appointment to see if you are a good candidate, please contact us today at Glenferrie Dental. We look forward to helping you get started on your path to greater oral health!

Get a Free Dental Implant Quote From our Australian Trained Dentists

Dental implants are a significant undertaking that you would not want to entrust with just anyone. They are, however, worth the investment. 

It is the most commonly chosen option with patients for missing teeth, and you get a more natural look and feel. You are looking to improve and change your life.  

At the end of the day, you make a saving but can encounter many challenges. Put the health and care of your teeth in the hands of those you can trust. 

Get a free quote today from Dr Peter Laird at Glenferrie Dental.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it normal to have headaches after dental implant surgery?

While headaches are not a common side effect of dental implant surgery, some patients may experience headaches as a result of the procedure. The causes of headaches after dental implant surgery can vary and may include implant pressure on surrounding nerves, bone grafts, and sinus lifts.

Can dental bone grafts cause headaches?

Yes, dental bone grafts can cause headaches. The implantation process can impact the surrounding nerves and bones, leading to headaches. The potential side effects of bone grafts include implantation headaches and implantation migraines.

How long do headaches after dental implant surgery last?

The duration of headaches after dental implant surgery can vary. In some cases, symptoms may be severe and last for days or even weeks. In other cases, symptoms may be mild and resolve on their own within a few days. If symptoms are severe or last for an extended period, it\’s important to seek medical attention.

Can other dental procedures cause headaches?

Yes, other dental procedures such as tooth extraction, teeth whitening, and wisdom teeth removal can also cause headaches. These procedures can impact the nerves and bones in the head and face, leading to headaches. It\’s important to consider the potential risks and side effects of any dental procedure before deciding to proceed.

Can dental implants cause neurological problems?

While dental implants are generally safe, in rare cases, they may cause neurological problems. These can include headaches, nerve damage, and other issues. It\’s important to work with a qualified dental surgeon to ensure proper implant placement and minimize the risk of complications.

Can I prevent headaches after dental implant surgery?

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent headaches after dental implant surgery, working with a qualified dental surgeon and following post-surgery instructions can help minimize the risk of complications. It\’s important to discuss any concerns you may have with your dentist before the procedure.

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