What is Dental Bonding?

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Dental bonding is a technique for repairing broken teeth and improving the look of yellow, stained, or discoloured teeth.

Learn more about dental bonding in the sections below. Also, learn why and when dental bonding is performed, how it benefits your smile and improves your teeth look.

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What Is Tooth Bonding and How Does It Work?

Teeth bonding is a technique in which a tooth-coloured resin substance (a durable plastic material) is applied to the tooth and solidified with a specific light. This results in the material “bonding” to the tooth and restoring or improving a person’s smile.

What To Know About Dental Bonding Process?

There are important things to know before and during the dental bonding process:

Before the bonding procedure – Dental bonding does not need much planning. Furthermore, unless bonding is utilised to fill a decaying tooth, anesthesia is rarely required.

During the bonding procedure – Your dentist will choose a composite resin (a durable plastic substance) that closely matches the colour of your tooth using a shade guide. A conditioning liquid is administered to the tooth’s surface after it has been roughened. These processes aid the bonding material’s adhesion to the tooth. 

The tooth is then covered in a tooth-coloured, putty-like resin that is applied, moulded, and smoothed to the appropriate form. Then, the resin is cured using a specific light that “bonds” the substance to the tooth’s surface. Finally, your dentist will shape, polish, and trim the bonded material to match the rest of the tooth/shine.

What Is Dental Bonding Used For?

Tooth bonding is one of the simplest and least expensive cosmetic dental treatments for people with dental issues. Bonding can help with a variety of dental concerns. Tooth bonding is most commonly used to repair chipped or discoloured teeth. It can also be used to repair big gaps between teeth, alter the contour of teeth, and lengthen them. Bonding is often used instead of amalgam or metallic fillings to preserve the exposed root of a tooth with receding gums.

How to Look After Your Bonded Teeth

Nothing, including composite resin, is as robust as your real teeth and enamel.

So, even after your bond restores the tooth, you must still take care of it.

  • Avoid chewing harmful things like ice cubes or pencils. 
  • Excessive consumption of hard foods and candies might also harm both your natural teeth and bonded teeth. Avoid them altogether, especially if you have a history of chipped or broken teeth.

It’s also worth noting that resin does not have the same stain resistance as enamel. If you consume a lot of coffee or red wine, or if you smoke, you’re more likely to have long-term discolouration.

Unfortunately, composite resin cannot be whitened. You may be stuck with it if you stain your bond unless you replace it or go for veneers.

A bond can be used to whiten your teeth. Whitening gels will not affect the composite resin, but you will notice a colour difference as the look of your tooth, but your bond will remain the same.

Depending on the manufacturer of your bonding material, your dentist may be able to provide a very thin bond on your front teeth.

The main conclusion is that whitening may be unexpected, so it\’s best to whiten first and bond later, especially if you\’re having a bond placed on one of your front teeth. Otherwise, you may find yourself wanting to replace the bond and the teeth entirely.

What is the Lifespan of Dental Bonding?

The longevity of dental bonding materials is determined by the amount of bonding done and your oral habits.

Bonded teeth aren’t as strong as natural teeth, and certain practices might limit their life expectancy. If you have a habit of biting down forcefully, the bonding material on your teeth may be broken off. 

Furthermore, if you smoke or consume a lot of dark beverages like coffee or red wine, your bonding substance may discolour more rapidly and require replacement sooner.

Bonding material lasts anywhere from three to ten years before it has to be touched up or replaced.

It is important to visit a specialist to know how best to care for your bonded teeth.

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