Cleaning Your Implant-Supported Dentures in 4 Steps

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Implant-supported dentures provide the best alternative for patients looking for a sturdier option to dentures, and a more affordable option to dental implants. With as few as 2 to 6 implants, your implant-supported dentures can replace a full set of upper/lower teeth. When properly cared for, this type of dental prosthetic can last up to 20 years (or longer!). Here are the steps you need follow in terms of maintenance to get the most out of your investment:

Non-abrasive toothpaste

Many patients forget that bacteria are capable of accumulating on dental appliances just as much as they do on your natural teeth. Consistent cleaning is the only way to avoid or reduce cavities. Your implant-supported dentures should ideally be cleaned gently but effectively with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste.


In any oral hygiene routine, brushing your teeth alone will not effectively remove all bacteria breeding in your mouth. Your toothbrush often fails to reach between the teeth, which is where most food particles tend to accumulate. With the aid of a water flosser, you can reach these areas with ease! There are certain flossers, with tiny brushes, available on the market specifically designed to clean dental implants too.

Denture solution

Dentures too require daily cleaning in order to be thoroughly disinfected. If your implant-supported dentures are removable, soaking your dentures in denture-cleaning solution each night is the best way to remove plaque that accumulates on the prosthesis over the course of the day. It also helps keep them soft.

Professional cleaning

Lastly, scheduling a professional cleaning every 6 months is mandatory. At these regular checkups, our dentists will evaluate your dental restorations while thoroughly cleaning your dental appliance and surrounding gum tissue. You will be assessed for any dental issues or gum disease in rder to intercept them an early hand when it is easier to treat and control. Implant-supported dentures require minimal maintenance and a consistent oral hygiene routine in order to last decades at a time! Wondering if you’re eligible for this treatment? At Glenferrie Dental, we can help you find out if this restoration is the best fit for you! Simply call us today to schedule your consultation.

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